• Profile picture of Stanley Akenami

    Stanley Akenami

    10 months, 4 weeks ago

    Today 31/03/24, Easter Sunday is not actually the day that Christ rose, nor was it good Friday 29/03/24 that he died. All these events happened thousands of years ago. We celebrate it as a reminder of the significance of his sacrifice. He endured the pains and cross for our sake, and on the cross he said it’s “finish”. It’s finished that we may not be victims of sin again and the suffering associated with it. He became victorious over sin so that we can have strong willpower over the influence of sin. And he said it’s “finish” that we can boldly come before the throne of the father unblemished.

    He did all of these to bring us closer to the father, because our sins separated us from him. And he said again “it’s finish go and sin no more”

    There’s no love greater than this, that a friend lay down his life for his fellow friend, that he that lives will not live for his self but for him that made the sacrifice, our victory over sin is not in us but in Christ, our oneness.

    It’s finished he said… So that we will not suffer again cause he suffered for our sake, we will not not be sick again cause he was, we will not be poor again cause he became poor for our sake, he was afflicted so that we will not be afflicted again, he was scourge so that we will not be scourge again.

    And he rose and conquered the grave for our sake.

    Happy Easter.



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