• Profile picture of jiteellen

    jiteellen posted in the group OLOMORO TELESCOPE

    2 months ago

    Still trying to wrap my head around this style of cohabitation

    Why do men resort to physical violence against their wives?

    Why do women often ignore the warning signs and stay in loveless, abusive marriages?

    Are we waiting for societal validation to prioritize our own well-being and safety? For I don’t understand

    My mentor once advised that divorce may not be ideal, but I stated that remaining in an abusive marriage is a far greater crime against humanity.

    Another life has been lost, and tragically, we will continue to witness such senseless acts because some individuals have lost all sense of empathy and compassion. Vent your anger somewhere else Abeg 😭

    The value of human life has been reduced to a mere preference, like choosing between roasted yam and boiled yam.

    The reality is stark
    It’s already established that domestic violence claims lives, leaving behind devastated families and communities, like the one that just happened in Ebonyi…..

    Let’s break the silence and take a stand against domestic violence
    Every one has to be on the same page

    I abhor it and I am vexing


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Mum Pez

I am a child right advocate, a narrator and most importantly i am intentional about parenting



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