jiteellen posted in the group Intentional Parenting 101
• 5 months agoThe word for today is INNOVATION
We have a lot of buzz words in our todays world and innovation is one of them
And this buzz word has become our way of life and this has kept us growing in today’s ever changing worldWe all are embracing changes brought about by innovations which means we are opening up to new ideas and ways of life where status quo are being challenge and we are all genuinely seeking ways yo improve even if in some cases we fail and win some
Parenting method have changed over time
Work ethics are being upgraded every new day
No one would have thought working from home and achievable more would have ever be possible but today it is the new normWith the modern innovation we empower ourselves to
– solving problems cteatively and thinking iutside the norms and bix has becomr the new way
– with innocation we embrace and adapt to change with confidence
– it helps us to pursue personal goals by serking new skills , knowledge and experiences
– innovations creates opportunities that we wont have evet imagine is possible
– With innovations we are able to inspire others to adopt similar approach especially when the end result is successfulTake home : we must continue to cultivate the habit of embracing change through our curious mindset and we should continue to ask and never stop asking rather thsn settling for phrase ” that is how it is ”
When we nurture the mindset of innovation we are not only transforming our lives snd immediate enviroment rsther the the World
Quote: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it “ Allan Kay
“Its a beautiful dawn let’s take charge and our time starts now “
Jite EllenTake charge and your time starts now

About Me
Mum Pez
I am a child right advocate, a narrator and most importantly i am intentional about parenting


Innovation is what creates the comfort of today and the genius of tomorrow.