• Profile picture of jiteellen

    jiteellen posted in the group Intentional Parenting 101

    5 months, 1 week ago

    The word for today is DISCIPLINE

    Discipline is simply define as the training of doing things in an habitual and controlled way and this involve adherence to standards or rules in our personal lives or organization.

    Discipline is the direct path to success

    The foundation or bedrock upon which every success story is based on is Discipline

    Discipline is the bridge between success and failure
    It’s also the gap between setting goals and accomplishing set goals

    When we are discipline we are responsible
    It builds perseverance
    It empowers humans to reach their full potential

    There are a lot of benefits attach to being discipline so it is encouraged that we incorporate discipline into our daily life , either in businesses , work place , providing services , in relationships in parenting etc For it helps in actualizing set goals , it eliminates distractions, procrastination has no space when we are discipline . It is important we set realistic goals and deadlines and work with feasible schedules

    In this lifetime it is key to have a disciplined routine for it unlocks doors to personal growth , professional success . When we embrace discipline one can achieve one’s dream and become the best version of oneself

    What are you waiting for ?
    Inculcate discipline in all aspect of your life

    In life I have experienced discipline in parenting and it is a practical success story when we practice what we say and preach to our children for they learn better when the watch us live what we preach and teach them

    When you are the standard success await you at the end
    Enjoy the new week
    Together we will Win just like Bum Phillips said “The only discipline that last is self discipline “



About Me

Mum Pez

I am a child right advocate, a narrator and most importantly i am intentional about parenting



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