jiteellen posted in the group Intentional Parenting 101
• 5 months, 3 weeks agoParenting 101 (No Graduation )
Parenting is a daunting and forever task
And as the years roll by it becomes a two way mechanism structure
Either it is easing out or becoming more tasking and this is due to the outcome of our roles as parents while they were childrenThe above is simply relating the dynamic nature of parenting , where responsibilities and challenges evolve overtime
The relationship in our later years with our children can shift a one way authority which is the style at the beginning to a two way mutual interactive style in the later life and all these are influenced by the effectiveness of the parents roleLike I mentioned at the beginning parenting can become easier or more challenging
– Easier when children who are now matured take on responsibilities and require less supervision or minimal intervention
– Difficult or more challenging when children turns to rebel against authority or faces new struggles or require constant guidance etcAs parents no matter the turn out we should be able to continually build strong supportive relationships, adapt , be flexible , effective communication and emotional intelligence are key
In applying all this we shouldn’t fail at self reflection on our styles and growth as parents and testestegize if our previous styles didn’t yield the required resultsMay the grace to turn out well mannered , cultured and morally sound children

About Me
Mum Pez
I am a child right advocate, a narrator and most importantly i am intentional about parenting


Great job. Mother and child.