
  • Monday:
    “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
    Theodore Roosevelt.

    Start the week with a positive mindset and confidence in your abilities and that is one key to a great start
    ©Jite Ellen

  • I was on the road with my youngest son and we drove pass a policeman already drunk ,and my little boy exclaimed !!!!
    “Mummy see , a policeman smoking ”
    I waved it off

    When we got home , he kept on pushing for an answer ?
    My dilemma is the double question mark around the question being ask?
    “A policeman that is suppose to stop people…Read More

  • What is new ?
    Nothing is truly new
    The new trend is advancement, improvement and modernisation…

    Improve on your set skills so as to be relevant …

  • A Rainy Tuesday in Lagos

    The wave of heat on this sphere has been in an all time high
    Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NiMet) has predicted a prolong heat waves in the coming days , and true to their words it has been hell on earth .lol

    Waking up to a cloudy atmosphere this very tuesday morning was so soothing …
    And now seeing the rain…Read More

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Mum Pez

I am an Advocate for the girl child



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