“keep moving don’t compare yourself with others.
Progress is still progress no matter how small, as long as you don’t stop , you will eventually reach ur destination”🤞 -
“I have started becoming a celebrity slowly by slowly.
Yesterday I saw myself on Tv after switching it Off🥸”🤣😂🤣3 Comments -
Overthinking will make you call your phone with that same phone trying to find it🤣🤣
1 Comment -
*_In life , many times people can’t cross the streets to help you when you are alive , but they can cross the world to bury you when you are dead, and most of the tears at funerals are not for pains but for remorse and regrets*_
Special rule:
If a bro teaches you how to fish,
never fish in his pond 👌💝2 Comments -
“The harder the task , the more fulfilling it is when it’s done 👍”
it’s not impossible until we fail. if we fail we fail searching for greatness.👌👌❤️
Did this really happen? Why didn’t he just take the ring instead of replacing it with a fake one?
Sunday is your best day. You know you had an amazing week. Time to recover and think how you gonna kill the next one”.
Ezekiel Gospel joined the group
Ezekiel Gospel and
Odhe precious are now friends
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