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Word is Power

  • Public Group
  • 4 months ago
  • 33


  • 19


  • Good day house
    Yesterday the task on the big brother house caused an uproar on social member simply because of the simplicity of some of the questions..
    Well this clearly shows the power in the usage of words …

    The confusion was the usage of the Word “Product”
    Even as it is some persons still don’t know what the question means?

    11 X…Read More

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  • Words have power because they can shape our beliefs, drive our behavior, and create our world. Words can express feelings, share knowledge, and change someone’s mood. They can also inspire positive or negative responses.
    The Bible has many verses about the power of words, including:
    Psalm 19:14
    Hebrews 1:3a
    Matthew 12:36-37
    The word “power”…Read More

  • Words are powerful
    Usage of words would either mar or make one in conversations or in the course of communications … .

    How do you see the usage of Words?
    Has any spoken or written change your mood or perception at any given time ?
    Share the tale with us ?

    I am Jite Ellen a mother contributing my own quota positively wherever i find…Read More

    1 Comment
    • Thanks for sharing Jite. A life can be changed forever with as little as a single phrase or an uplifting word. In your encounter with people, always consider the power of your words and make a mark that will last a lifetime.

  • A man who is trampled to death by an elephant must be deaf and blind.

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