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Olomoro Telescope

  • Public Group
  • 1 day, 3 hours ago
  • 2.2K


  • 105


  • The highest rank in the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps is General (four star), followed by Lieutenant General (three star), Major General (two star) and Brigadier General (one star). Five men have held the rank of General of the Army (five star), George C. Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Omar Bradley, and Henry H. Arnold, who…Read More

  • Video: How Ministry of Aviation officials sold two helicopters bought for $4.8m for $1.2m to private individuals, despite the Nigerian Air Force, Navy and Police indicating interest to purchase them…

    The ministry officials were later arrested on the orders of the Chairman of the Committee on Public Assets, Hon. Ademorin Kuye.
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  • Congrats and happy birthday to our brother the Chairman of Olomoro Telescope Council-of-Elders, Member OCHSOSA Board of Trustees and Community leader Barr. Dennis Ewubareh – Selfless, down-to-earth and unassuming. May God Almighty answer all your prayers. Wishing you and your family many happy returns of this special day. Enjoy!

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  • Drop your names and phone numbers for 1K airtime. Thanks.

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    Answer: What does it mean if I dream about receiving two gifts, and then have a gift demanded from me?
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