Brain Facts
The brain is a strange and wonderful organ. Here are some things you might not know about it! Baby Loses About Half their Neurons It is estimated that a baby loses about half their neurons before they are born. This…
The brain is a strange and wonderful organ. Here are some things you might not know about it! Baby Loses About Half their Neurons It is estimated that a baby loses about half their neurons before they are born. This…
Can you name who painted “The Persistence of Memory”? Do you know what the spaces between brain cells are called? Download this brain-themed crossword puzzle and see how much you know about the brain and memory. Making the Most of…
A group of Harvard scientists has developed new methods of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to look more closely inside the human brain. The resulting images are stunning! Jan Wedeen, who developed one technique, says that up until now we’ve just…
It seems like there’s a new book published about the brain every day. Here are some of the brain books we recommend.
ThinkCzar is an App with a heavy interactive component, whose central theme is ‘thinking for change’ aimed at improving cognitive functions such as memory, intellect/reasoning, span of attention, creativity and logic. It will be very useful for general learning and stimulation…
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