

RejiG Assessments are derived from behavioral observations. Take a quiz to rate your behaviors based on how frequently you believe they occur relative to how frequently you believe they occur for people your own age and gender. Don’t overthink things; simply respond with your gut feeling.

This neuropsychological evaluation is made to make it simple to comprehend a person’s cognitive performance as well as their physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. It compares participants’ results to those of others of the same age and gender in the areas of concentration/attention, memory, reasoning, planning, and coordination.

Following the completion of each quiz, we’ll give you the results with information about how your mind functions.

Our test will give you a general idea of how your cognitive abilities stack up against those of your peers. In order to determine which skills are doing well and which skills need to be improved, the quiz evaluates a variety of key cognitive abilities, including attention, memory, visual processing, auditory processing, logic/reasoning, and processing speed.

These results can also show which abilities are causing any learning difficulties or cognitive difficulties that you may be having. You can solve these problems at their core by improving these talents through brain training!