

  • Profile picture of Stanley Akenami

    Stanley Akenami posted in the group Fisheries Management Classes

    10 months ago

    Problems face by fish farmers.

    1. Inadequate knowledge before starting: most farmers set up fish farm without knowing anything abt the operation/biz at all. No knowledge Abt feeding, stocking density, sorting/grading, water management. All they want is just to buy the fish and pour into water cause they heard fish is another oil well 😁. I witnessed many farmers coming to buy fingerlings in where I’m doing my industrial training, they keep on asking these questions:
    1 what will I feed them with
    2 what size of feed will this fish take
    3 how long Will I keep them before selling them.
    All these questions shows that the farmer lack prerequisite knowledge to start.
    2. High stocking density that can’t be well managed: most farmers stock thousands of fish which they can’t feed well, which in turn lead poor yeild. You want to stock 10,000 fingerlings and you don’t have the money to even feed 2 thousands fingerlings. This is common among farmers whose farms fold up easily.
    3. Neglect: neglect and postponement has lead to closure of many farms. Any issue not attend to on time will lead to a problem that can’t be easily control.
    4. Solely depending on foreign feed: feeding accounts Abt 75% of total cost of production. This alone has led to many closure of farms. Farmers that depend on foreign feed and not supplement with local feed hasn’t succeed in this fish farm biz.

    1 Comment
    • Not knowing the market preference is another problem face by farmers. You will see farmers complaining Abt not seeing buyers to buy there fish. Most of this farmers rear fish up to 2kg and above whereas for example what the buyers want is fish ranging from 0.8kg to 1.5kg.



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