Francis Akenami posted in the group OLOMORO TELESCOPE
• 1 month, 1 week agoAccording to Wike , agreement is agreement! Magistrate court fines girl #150k for failing to visit boyfriend after receiving #3k transport fare
Rohda by name, switch off her phone and failed to show up after Mr olapitan sent her transport fare to visit him.
Unable to contact ms. Rohda after sending her fare. Mr olapitan felt defrauded and emotionally distressed and reported the incident to Ayetoro police station.
Ms. Rohda was thereafter arrested and brought to the court where evidence of the incident was submitted, which included the #3.000 transfer and WhatsApp messages between Mr olapitan and Ms. Rohda
The magistrate hears the case. Sees the WhatsApp messages and the money transfer app receipt and shakes his head
Perhaps he’s been through it
He finds Rohda guilty
And order her to refund the #3.000 transport money
Pay 100.000 to olapitan for breach of agreement
Pay 50.000 to olapitan for emotional distress
#breachofcontract1 Comment


Great lesson here, thanks for sharing Chief Awhowho