• Profile picture of David Osima

    David Osima

    2 months, 2 weeks ago

    For your consumption, tax payers 😊

    • More detailed oriented

    • Can you make a little explanation?

      • proposed budget for 2025
        estimated expenditures is 49.74 trillion naira.
        estimated revenue is 36.35 trillion naira ( if met, Nigeria has never meet it proposed revenue, it always fall short of about 20% – 40%, 2024 revenue was achieved by approximately 70% of the proposed revenue). Because we don’t have enough money to fund our expenditures, we tend to borrow to fund it.

        Deficit is 13.39 trillion naira (1/3), this means the government will borrow 13.39 trillion to fund the budget. mind you this comes with crazy interest rates.

        how we plan for to spend the 49.74 trillion naira,

        Recurrent expenditures is 14.12 trillion naira
        these expenses are for the day to day running of Ministries, Agencies, Department, Government owned enterprise, pension, gratuity, TETFUND and others.

        Capital expenditures is 14.85 trillion naira these are majorly for infrastructural developments by the government handling by various MDAs, GOE, multilateral Agencies and capital supplementation, such projects includes roads, housing, electricity, social amenities and others.

        Debt service/ sinking fund is 16.33 trillion naira these are for debts owned by the government that’s needs to be cleared off e.g domestic debt(government bond), foreign debt( IMF loan), sinking fund to offset promissory note or maturing debts.

        statutory transfer ( these are government institutions established by an Act/law, they include but not limited to, INEC, NDDC, UBEC, parliament, etc) is 4.44 trillion naira these are for the planning and running of institutions established by parliament through an ACT governing it roles and responsibilities.

        Okay now revenue, where we hope to make money from.
        FGN share of federation revenue is 27.49 trillion naira.
        Read more on federation revenue you will what compose of it and how its being shared.

        Surplus from GOE is 2.78 trillion.These are income expect from Agencies like CUSTOMS , IMMIGRATION, and so.

        special funds account receipt is 300 billion naira. These are income expected to be made by excess crude oil account, ecological fund, etc.

        Aid and grants from foreign or domestic is 761.91 billion naira.

        Independent revenue is 3.47 trillion naira. These are income expected from sales of crude oil and Taxes.

        others (royalties, recovered funds and assets, etc) is 1.46 trillion naira.
        other dividends 7.52 billion naira.

        so obviously we are spending we too much more than when are to earn, also the money borrowed will most likely go into capital expenses In which when can’t be funded again will be on hold that why we have a lot of white elephant projects in Nigeria.

        Estimated revenue is major for statutory transfer, debts servicing and recurrent expenditures.

        Thank you,
        God bless you
        God bless Nigeria.

      • I didn’t know it going to be this long😭 I tried to make little but comprehensive also for others




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