Francis Akenami posted in the group Intentional Parenting 101
• 4 months, 2 weeks ago*ANOTHER EVIL BUSINESS*
Hmmmmmmmmmm, a very close friend of mine has a daughter of 21 who is schooling in one of the universities in the east. She came around for holiday and then fell sick last Thursday and was taken to the hospital for proper medical care. During the process of check up, her mum noticed a scar under her pelvic and she got worried, cos according to her, her daughter has never had any surgery not even minor or major. So, she was wondering where the scar came from and the cause.
Long story cut short. After much interrogation and the girl’s refusal to speak up, she called me to come over. On getting there, I met her in real tears and I asked what the problem was and she asked her daughter to open her tummy and show me what she saw. I saw it and then asked questions and she said her daughter has refused to tell her how she got that scar.
I immediately took the girl outside and interrogated her and she opened up to me that a friend of hers introduced her to a business in school last year, that she did it and was paid 200k. And she said they have Drs they meet when they are ovulating to buy their eggs. So, what they do is, they have to open them up, take the eggs and then cover them up again. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. As I type this, I’m still in shock. I’ve not recovered since Saturday. I was just able to tell her mum yesterday. I had to bring her home on Saturday night to sleep over. Then yesterday I took her back to inform her mum. My friend has not been herself till now. We don’t know how to inform her dad cos the whole blame will be on her as she’s the one with them in Nigeria. Their dad works in Ghana.
I thought to share for information sake and to be observant with our female children, because I heard it also happen in secondary school. I just hope vital organ in this girl has not been harvested. Besides do they have to open one up to collect eggs am not sure. Wao! This is indeed scary, a lot is happening out there in our Society. Any Teenager not well groomed can easily be negatively influenced.
*Pls when we call for Teenagers Conference let’s do well to bring our teenagers, a lot are perishing for lack of knowledge.* Also Parents have to go the extra-mile in instilling the fear of God in our Children.
-For record purpose, one doesn’t need to be opened up for eggs to be collected. People do IVF and are never cut open for eggs to be collected.
Lord have Mercy🙏


Something was harvested besides egg collection. It can be kidney. The process of harvesting eggs from a woman is called “egg retrieval”. This is a medical procedure where mature eggs are extracted from the ovaries using a needle guided by ultrasound, typically done as part of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment or for egg freezing purposes.
Key points about egg retrieval:
Medical term: Oocyte retrieval
Procedure: A thin needle is inserted through the vaginal wall to reach the follicles in the ovary and aspirate the fluid containing the eggs.
Used for: IVF (to fertilize eggs with sperm in a lab) or egg freezing (to preserve fertility)
Anesthesia: Usually performed under mild sedation or local anesthesia.