jiteellen posted in the group Intentional Parenting 101
• 4 months, 4 weeks agoThe word for today is PERSEVERE
According to the English dictionary persevere is defined as continuing in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no indication of success.
It’s no wonder Steve Maraboli in his one of his quotes stated that “ life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving ; We get stronger and more resilient “
The above statement clearly shows life happens and we are bound to encounter temporary setbacks in most of life journey
Obstacles are temporary setbacks and with a persevere mindset we will be able to overcome such obstacles , and we are able to achieve our goals , learn from the failures build resilience and we are able to build and grow our personal charactersRemember that if we fall seven times , stand up eight times (Japenese Proverb)and for that we should do the followings
– celebrate small and big wins
– find support
– be accountable
– focus on your progress (we are not perfect)
– practice self care
– Also self compassion is essentialI leave us with the knowledge that victory awaits us all on the other side of the divide
Photo credit Wema Bank logo
Have you gotten your Wema bank account ?
I will keep pushingJite
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About Me
Mum Pez
I am a child right advocate, a narrator and most importantly i am intentional about parenting
