• Profile picture of jiteellen

    jiteellen posted in the group Intentional Parenting 101

    5 months, 2 weeks ago

    The word for today is FOCUS

    Absolute concentration and determination is required for the success of any plan
    Be it Business , Parenting , Education , Petty trading , learning skills , self care etc

    I encourage we Concentrate on our set goals for this is a powerful concept to keep in mind

    In maintaining our focus some tips are essential like setting clear and specific goals , create schedules that must be adhere to , eliminate multitasking (though these is difficult to maintain in today’s world but it can be streamed ) , mindfulness of your goal(s) , meditation, break task into manageable chunks at a time (slow small and steady helps one to win )
    And most importantly we should learn to practice the Pomodoro Technique ( 25 minutes straight work and 5 minutes break )

    When we focus on our goals it
    – helps us prioritize our tasks effectively
    – ⁠Helps to avoid distractions
    – ⁠it helps us make progress towards our objectives
    – ⁠helps us to boost productivity
    – ⁠Hrlps us to set boundaries
    – ⁠helps establish routines and habits
    – ⁠limit digital screen time for fun
    – ⁠Exercise regularly (it’s the best new normal
    And so many more

    When we are focus and determined it eliminates procrastination which is one of the internal obstacles to being focus , it eliminates self doubt , it eliminates stress and anxiety ,emotional turmoil etc

    A man Francesco Crillo in 1987 developed the time management method Pomodoro named after a kitchen timer shaped like tomato 🍅 it’s an an Italian name so that we know

    It is key to know that in whatever we do , we should create time to rest and manage our time effectively and our body too for our being alive is the most essential tool in achieving all our set goals in life.


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Mum Pez

I am a child right advocate, a narrator and most importantly i am intentional about parenting



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