• 5 months, 2 weeks ago
As a WOMAN, once you PLACE your VALUE on MONEY, there are THOUSANDS of MEN who are willing and ready to PAY the HIGH PRICE just to make you USELESS and WORTHLESS, by so doing, your VALUE/INTEGRITY is TARNISHED and VALUELESS..
Many MEN will come just for what you have as an ENJOYMENT and they will give you whatever you want just to have it.
A lot of DESTINIES have been DESTROYED as a result of this.
Many WOMBS have been DESTROYED..
Many GREAT STARS have been taken away..
Listen, if as a WOMAN, you SLEEP with any MAN you want, it’s not because you are of HIGH VALUE, it’s because you are EASY.. A WOMAN’S VALUE LIES in her BODY. If you think by SLEEPING with a lot of UNWORTHY MEN, your VALUE will INCREASE, TIME will prove you WRONG.
DEAR SISTERS please RESPECT yourselves. Truth is most THINGS you OPEN your LEGS for are very CHEAP and AFFORDABLE if you have a JOB, a SKILL or a TRADE.
In addendum: These WOMEN are not SLEEPING with themselves. I see no difference between a WOMAN who SLEEPS AROUND to FEED HERSELF, and a MAN who PAYS MONEY to SLEEP AROUND to FEED HIS LUSTS. If NOBODY IS BUYING, NOBODY WILL SELL. A word is enough for the wise.
