jiteellen posted in the group Intentional Parenting 101
• 5 months, 1 week agoThe word for today is GRATITUDE
One of the most important tools in life is gratitude , having a mindset laced with gratitude is a powerful tool
As a new way of life I implore we shift our daily focus to positivity , fosters resilience, strengthen relationships , encourages self -reflection and most importantly cultivates happiness
Do we know that gratitudes improves mental health , better sleep , increases empathy , helps build better relationship goals and overall well being
I jite is daily thankful for all I have
I appreciate the daily doses of blessings for being alive
Gratitude fills my heartAnd like Melody Beattie posited “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life “
I am here to say thank you to you specially for all you do for me
I am eternally gratefulJite

About Me
Mum Pez
I am a child right advocate, a narrator and most importantly i am intentional about parenting