• 6 months ago
UNDER HER (Chapter 4)
As Mrs. Linda touched Lucky’s face, he felt a surge of uncertainty. He had never been with an œlder wøman before, and he didn’t know where to start.
“Don’t worry, Lucky,” Mrs. Linda said, sensing his hesitation. “I’ll teach you everything you need to know. Older wômen like to be tóuched gently, but firmly. We like to féel desíred, but also respected.”
Lucky nodded, trying to absorb her words.
“First, start with my nèck,” Mrs. Linda instructed. “Kíss me softly, but don’t be afraid to show your pássion.”
Lucky leaned in, his líps brúshing against Mrs. Linda’s néck. She sighed, her eyes cløsing in pleàsure.
“Yes, like thåt,” she whispered. “Now, move dôwn to my shōulders. Older women lōve to have their shøulders masságed. It relaxes us, and makes us feél løved.”
Lucky’s hánds moved dôwn to Mrs. Linda’s shöulders, his fïngers kneáding her skïn. She môaned, her bødy mélting intô his toúch.
“Remember, Lucky, older women are nøt just about séx,” Mrs. Linda said, her voice husky. “We want to féel connécted, we want to féel lovéd. Take your time, and don’t rúsh anything.”
Lucky nodded, his hands møving døwn to Mrs. Linda’s waíst. He felt a súrge of excítement, but also a sense of trepídation. He had never been with anyøne like Mrs. Linda before.
“What do I do now?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Mrs. Linda smiled, her eyes gleaming with pleàsure. “Now, you màke løve to me, Lucky. Shøw me what you’re måde of.”
And with that, Lucky bégan to make lôve to Mrs. Linda, his bødy môving in time with hérs. He felt a sense of påssion, but also a sense of guilt. He was betraying Miracle, but he couldn’t støp himself.
**********Story by Amazing Pen*********
After making lôve for óver an hour plus, Mrs. Linda lay beside Lucky, gazing at him with a look of pure satísfaction.
“My goodness, Lucky,” she said, her voice filled with awe. “You’re íncredible. Your…ahem…månhood is so bíg and strông. And your endurance? Unbelievable. You låsted longer than any mãn I’ve ever been with.”
Lucky blushed, feeling a mix of pride and embarrassment.
“And your technique,” Mrs. Linda continued. “You know just the ríght spøts to toúch, the right way to møve. You’re a natural, Lucky.”
Lucky smiled, feeling a sense of pleasure at her praise.
“I have to say, I’m impressed,” Mrs. Linda said, her eyes never leaving his face. “I’ve never félt this way about anyône before. You’re spécial, Lucky. Very spécial.”
Lucky’s heart skipped a beat as he heard her words. He knew he was in deép now.
“I’m never letting you go, Lucky,” Mrs. Linda said, her voice filled with determination. “You’re mine now. Forever and always.”
Lucky felt a surge of panic at her words. He had never intended for this to happen. He was just trying to help Miracle, not fall in love with another woman.
“But…but what about Miracle?” Lucky stammered.
Mrs. Linda’s expression turned cold. “Miracle? Who’s Miracle?”
Lucky hesitated, realizing his mistake. “No one,” he said quickly. “Just.. my sister at the hospital.”
Mrs. Linda’s expression softened again. “Oh she’s your sister and I’m not taking you away from her. Because from now on, it’s just us, Lucky. You and me, forever.”
Lucky nodded, feeling trapped. He knew he had to find a way out of this situation, but for now, he was stuck.
**********Story by Amazing Pen*********
The next morning, Lucky woke up feeling a mix of emotions. He was happy to have spent the night with Mrs. Linda, but also sad knowing that he had betrayed Miracle’s trust.
As he was getting dressed to leave, Mrs. Linda walked into the room, a smile on her face.
“Good morning, Lucky,” she said, her voice husky. “I hope you slept well.”
Lucky nodded, feeling a sense of unease. “Yes, I did. Thanks for everything, Mrs. Linda.”
Mrs. Linda laughed. “Don’t mention it, Lucky. I håd a great time too.”
Just then, Lucky’s phone buzzed. He looked at the screen and saw a notification from his bank. He had received a transfer of 200,000 naira from Mrs. Linda.
Lucky’s eyes widened in surprise. “Mrs. Linda, I…I don’t know what to say.”
Mrs. Linda smiled. “You don’t have to say anything, Lucky. And always call me Linda. Just take it. Consider it a gift.”
Lucky felt a mix of emotions. He was happy to have received the money, but also sad knowing that he had sold himself to get it.
“Thank you, Linda,” Lucky said finally, his voice barely above a whisper.
Mrs. Linda walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t forget, Lucky. You’re mine now. Forever and always.”
Lucky nodded, feeling trapped. He knew he had to find a way out of this situation, but for now, he was stuck.
As he left Mrs. Linda’s house, Lucky couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. He had made a deal with the devil, and now he had to live with it.
To be continued…
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