• Profile picture of Sandra Adomgbor

    Sandra Adomgbor

    6 months ago

    *Daily Juice*

    _To invest in properties is good, but to invest in yourself and in people is far better! Don’t let an ingrate stop you from making others great._

    _God has blessed and equipped you for success and greatness. Don’t be like an airplane that doesn’t fly._

    _Function at your full potentials. You are more than what meets the eyes. You are more than all you have done. You can do much more, have much more._

    _All you have is not all there is. Don’t live a lesser life than what God has purposed for you._

    _Don’t allow circumstances and people becloud your mind and drown your dreams._

    _You have the determination to plant seeds of change now, and the wisdom to wait for the fruits to emerge._


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