
  • Profile picture of Francis Akenami

    Francis Akenami posted in the group Olomoro Telescope

    4 hours, 41 minutes ago

    Video: How Ministry of Aviation officials sold two helicopters bought for $4.8m for $1.2m to private individuals, despite the Nigerian Air Force, Navy and Police indicating interest to purchase them…

    The ministry officials were later arrested on the orders of the Chairman of the Committee on Public Assets, Hon. Ademorin Kuye.
    The 2 Bell 206 Helicopters (206-L4 BZB and BZC – M2061) belonging to the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, Zaria were sold to private individuals below 60% of the cost price despite the Nigerian Army Navy and Police showing interest. the transaction happened in May 2023
    The two Bell 206L4 BZB and Bell M2061- L4 Helicopters were sold at $650,000 and $550,000 respectively…. This is how civil servants steal Nigeria dry

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