
  • Profile picture of Francis Akenami

    Francis Akenami posted in the group Olomoro Telescope

    3 days, 8 hours ago

    Question: What does it mean if I dream about receiving two gifts, and then have a gift demanded from me?
    Answer: What does it mean if I dream about receiving two gifts, and then have a gift demanded from me?
    The quote that comes to mind is “From those to whom much has been given, much is expected.” I think the universe is urging you to use your special gifts for the benefit of others.

    It’s called reciprocity. When given a gift in a dream the gift comes from the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious has many names one of which is the universe.

    Whenever such a gift is given then it’s expected that the gifts given will be used in a positive way, it’s a giving back to the world in which we all live.

    When we are incarnated into the world we come into the world with certain gifts. It’s these gifts that are to be used to the benefit of others, and not just to the receiver.

    This is why you are being asked, demanded, to give back. Since you’ve been demanded to give back then more than likely you have not been giving back.

    Two gifts speaks to something on the edge of consciousness. The third gift is expected to come from you. Three is a number of conflict, conflict about giving back

    Whenever there is three in dream work it’s important to ask where’s the fourth. The fourth is completion, a giving back.

    It’s in your best interest to reflect on this, and to give consideration to giving back to the world the gifts you’ve been given.



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