
  • Profile picture of Imomo Kingsley

    Imomo Kingsley posted in the group Olomoro Telescope

    1 day, 19 hours ago

    I Will Operate Open Door Policy and Revive the Ailing Primary Health Care Centers Warri Tells Isoko South Electorates

    The Isoko South People’s Democratic Party, PDP Chairmanship candidate, Mr Warri Ovoke Friday has promised that his administration will operate an open door policy and further revive the ailing primary health centers across different communities in Isoko South, local government if elected as chairman by the people.

    Warri Ovuoke disclosed this at the IDU Secretariat in Oleh during his official presentation and his running mate, Mrs Theresa Ikrike by the Isoko South PDP Campaign Council to the apex social cultural body of the Isoko Ethnic Nationality, Isoko Development Union, IDU.

    Speaking at the event, Mr Ovuoke said that if elected as Chairman of Isoko South, part of his agenda will be to boast agriculture in various communities because food is one of the most essential vitality to human existence.

    Responding on behalf of the Isoko Development Union, Prof. Chris Akpotu, President of IDU lauded Mr Warri Ovuoke’s humility and high regards for the leadership of the apex social cultural body while acknowledging his respect for elders.

    It’s a well known fact that the taste of the puddling is in the eating, therefore your turnout with these entourage is a reflection that you’re coasting to victory and also going by your slogan Warri for Your Worries, in no distant time Isoko Nation will be looking forward to work with you to savage their worries for the betterment of our people.


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