

  • Profile picture of quincyomatsuli8


    1 month, 1 week ago


    The birthing of a new Glory, the prophetic army of the lord, the Joshua Generation.
    incorruptible, undefiled, full of energy
    I have called the youth in this time said the lord to rise up to the demand of the hour
    I have called the young man and young woman to pick up the harvesting instruments
    and I saw a coming civilization that will make the present revelations and ministries look like children’s school, trying to gain height before this mighty move of God
    for this is the tabernacle that the lord is willing to raise
    for the lord said David shall not build me a temple but the son that he shall raise ,he shall build me a temple
    this is the time of the last push to check out the devil from any remaining territory so that Jesus can come, this is the Joshua generation, a generation that will lead men to the promise land
    the generation that will bring the manifestations of God in a dimension that have never been seen before, a new dimension of the spirit of God. of the word of God. where everybody will be counted in the army of the lord and we see that in Joel 2
    the coming army a fire devours before them,
    many whom when they fall upon sword it shall not hurt them, many whom immortality will swallow up the mortal nature they carry,
    men and women whom people will see the immortal nature of God and say this is the incorruptible nature, this is what it looks like in zion
    this is the tabernacle God is willing to praise



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