
  • Profile picture of Immanuel Penda

    Immanuel Penda

    1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Senegal President Bassirou Diomaye Faye surprised everyone by announcing a very unusual decision. He no longer wants to be greeted by military and civilian authorities at the airport during his official trips. Clearly, he no longer wants formal welcoming ceremonies. It is a break with the traditions of the past. Why this decision? President Faye wants things to be simpler and faster. He doesn’t want important people mobilized just to welcome him at the airport. He thinks these people have more important things to do. So, he decided that he would arrive and depart from the airport without any fuss. No formal greetings, no ceremonies, just him and his team. This measure aims to save time for executives who were often mobilized to welcome him. They will now be able to go about their business rather than waiting for the president at the airport. It’s a very modern and practical approach. President Faye thus shows that he is a leader who cares about efficiency and respect for everyone’s time.He also shows it

    1 Comment
    • This is an exceptional decision so long as his security is not compromised in the process. Besides, he should not buy our trust with these initial policies and just when we become trusting and looking the other way he pays the people with untold mismanagement and corruption. May God bless Africa with modern leaders.



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