

  • Profile picture of quincyomatsuli8


    1 month, 2 weeks ago

    On the journey of life some certain people may say life is hard others will say life is easy but let’s take a pause on this mathematical equation,What is life? A lot of persons has the wrong perspective/perspection about life, some persons thinks life is just all about living from 0 to at least 100 years ,some persons also think life is all about acquiring material things like cars ,money ,houses etc all those are important but that is not the main reason for your existence on Earth so u should not focus all your energy in building all of that and leave the true reason why u were created,It is clearly stated in the Bible that before God formed us he already new us and has destined us for something beautiful…The whole idea of this is to look for Purpose and be a part of what God is doing in this generation and the next to come..purpose is everything, purpose is life..
    We should ask our creator, what truly is Life? Because the word Life has been perverted into something else.




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