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Efemona Muhammad OkehOffline

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      Efemona Muhammad Okeh

      1 month, 3 weeks ago

      “The First Step To A Peaceful Home Is Being Able To Pay The Bills As A Man. Problems starts the moment you can’t sort out the bills . Faílure to sort out bills brings other problems . I’ve never asked my wife how much she earns , I do not know and it doesn’t really concern me.

      There is more to do with marriage than love and ”I love you’ , many marriages and homes lacks peace simply because the man is incapable of paying bills”.

      ~Pete Edochie


    About Me

    Efemona Muhammad Okeh

    Engr. Efemona Muhammad OKEH delta state based; brand/product influencer. I conduct training programmes that build expertise in overseeing the development of a product from idea generation to market launch and growth, ensuring it meets customer needs and business growth.



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