
  • Profile picture of jiteellen

    jiteellen posted in the group Intentional Parenting 101

    5 months, 1 week ago


    In most aftrican or traditional cultures, eating or drinking with the left hand is a class thing. Its a symbol of accomplishment, prowess and entitlement. So the following persons are entitled to use the left hand to eat or drink:

    1. Warrior who has killed predator – lion, tiger or another human in combat.

    2. One who has or has married a concubine and has a child outside marriage. It was considered a daring accomplishment.

    3. Members of traditional cults involved in interraction with spirits or ancestors. Members of these cult occasionally administer sinister spiritual tests amongst themselves to test prowess and entitlement. Hence a novice may become prey and be harmed.
    Hence parents make spirited efforts to change the inclination of children to be left handed.

    This was the native setting before science revealed that children should not be forcefully reverted on account of their brain configurations. There is demonstrateable evidence that such children are gifted bcos of hyper activities in the left hemisphere of their brains.

    So what do you do? The traditionalists are not all gone. So be careful where and when you use left hand to eat or drink.

    Prof Abugu …

    Me : i have a son who is a southpaw
    And it is ok for me ….
    I allowed it because i have a better understanding….

    What is your experience like ?
    What is you take on the usage of left or right hands?

    1 Comment
    • I agree with the traditional understanding of those who should use their left hands. We should now include those whom nature have wired to be lefthanded because they are warriors on their own right.

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