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Raphael OnorerosuokeOffline

    • Profile picture of Raphael Onorerosuoke

      Raphael Onorerosuoke

      5 months, 2 weeks ago

      How do I inspire a team as a leader?
      Nelson Mandela famously said these words:

      “A people united can never be defeated.”

      Mandela deeply understood that for South Africa to thrive as a nation, he needed to unite all of its people.

      He called on South Africans to redirect energy from the internal fighting that was destroying them toward building a future with a common vision.

      Mandela established the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to push reconciliation over retaliation.

      His tireless efforts to unite paid off. Apartheid ended. Democracy won.

      To answer your question, how do I inspire a team as a leader?

      You need a clear goal that everyone benefits from.

      Mandela’s leadership inspires me to think about the critical importance of UNITY and teamwork.

      As Mandela said:

      “It is through disciplined mass action that our victory can be assured.”

      The same holds true for companies, teams, and even families — united behind a common vision is how we become unstoppable.

      “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” — Henry Ford

      1 Comment
      • Perfectly said, when we unity we stand but divide we fall. Raph l really appreciate you for this tips. May God Almighty help us to unity.



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