
  • Profile picture of jiteellen

    jiteellen posted in the group Intentional Parenting 101

    5 months, 3 weeks ago

    The worst thing that can happen to parents is if you disagree in front of your children when disciplining them. You just sowed the seed of rebellion ignorantly.

    The WORST one is if you as a spouse is present where your child is misbehaving and you refuse to join your better half in correcting the child because you are having differences. I pity you, you will soon reap the seed of rebellion that you’re sowing.

    Apply wisdom to everything in life. You are not getting at your spouse by allowing your own child to disrespect them, you’re just building the catastrophe that you will partake in.

    Children are very wise, they are watching everything. They know when there’s a rift in your relationship with your spouse and they’ll maximize it to misbehave if they notice that their parents are not usually on the same page when they are having issues.

    Parenting requires wisdom and prayers.

    Most people who misbehave do so because of poor parenting. BE INTENTIONAL WITH YOUR PARENTING.

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Mum Pez

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