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Raphael OnorerosuokeOffline

    • Profile picture of Raphael Onorerosuoke

      Raphael Onorerosuoke

      5 months, 3 weeks ago

      Have you ever wondered how the famous Nike logo originated?

      It was 1971 when a graphics student at Portland State University, Carolyn Davidson, received the task from her professor Phil Knight to create a stylized model of the Nike of Samothrace, the winged goddess of victory created in Rhodes in 200 BC. and attributed to Pitocritus.

      The girl was paid 2 dollars for every hour of work by the professor himself who intended to found Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS), a company that would later become Nike; in the end, for just 35 dollars in total, the Swoosh (“the moustache”) was chosen which still today represents the symbol known throughout the world. Eleven years later Knight will return to Carolyn with a gold ring bearing the famous symbol and an envelope containing some company shares as thanks for the contribution she made to the cause of Nike which today, from those 35 dollars, has a turnover of over 20 billion.



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