
  • Profile picture of Desire Ajereghele

    Desire Ajereghele

    6 months, 2 weeks ago

    JOKES 🤣🤣

    1. So my girlfriend has decided to dūmp me just because a rat brøught a used cøndøm to my room.

    2. If she wears her Bra backwards first, and then slides it around, my brother marry that woman.😊😊 she can change ur ūgly story

    3)Why does “Visit me” always sound like s£x to many girls?
    🤔🤔 🤔

    4. The prøblem we have in Africa is that they read your jokes and laugh but they hārdly Comment, but if you don’t send them jokes too, Hmmmmm, this grøup is børing.*

    4.My uncle picks a fīght with me like he doesn’t know how evīl i can be. I’m going to stēal his phone and save my two numbers as “Jenny Sweet” and “Naomi Big Āss” then repeātedly cāll him and hang up at 3am

    His wife will do the fightīng for me
    Me i don’t fīght my elders 🤭🤭

    5. Interviewer : Can you handle pressure* .

    Me : Yes 😊👀 I owe my Landlord Six month rent allowance ,and I still don’t care.

    6.*Some girls ehhn…ever since I told this girl that her dress is beautiful…she now wears it everyday*

    7.*Some girls are so lūcky!
    First boyfriend Boom🔥 husband!! While some have to dāte all the sons of pharaøh before moses like me comes for rescūe* 😂😂😂

    8. I saw 🧐a group of people 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧surrounding an apprentice n shouting ” Gimme my Change!” i joined Dem nd collected #500*🤷🏻‍♀🤷🏻‍♀🤷🏻‍♀

    9.*If you are dāting a stīngy guy būy yourself gift and tell your friends he did it. Your Fāke friends will stēal him and sūffer too.*🤣🤣😂😂

    10.Breākups are for small girls. Real women will just pause the relatiønship and resume it when the Idïøt is back to his senses 😂 😂

    11.What will you gain from this after reading this post without your likes and comment

    Cutie 🥰, why døn’t you wānna ādd or follow me for more interesting jokes 🙏🥲





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