
  • Profile picture of Esther Ifeanyi

    Esther Ifeanyi

    7 months, 1 week ago

    Why are people making fun of Will Smith over Jada Pinkett’s cheating?
    It’s a historically often joked about subject, if not the most joked about subject — a man’s masculinity. His manhood. Nothing threatens a man more. Nothing attacks or enrages him more. You want to spite a rival, an ally, friend or foe? Make jokes about his wife. His girlfriend. If he is single, ‘mom jokes’ will do. Will Smith is a tall, handsome and fabulously wealthy man known all over the world. Success breeds envy. Envy breeds contempt. A toxic combination.

    Here’s a man who, at the age of 51, has a better body than most men half his age will ever hope to achieve — I’m almost half his age and far pudgier — and on top of that, he’s also 6′2″ and has an estimated net worth of 350 million dollars.

    So some people see such a man, and, burning with envy… seek to ‘take him down a notch’. He smiles too much. Seems too happy. Too sure of himself. It irks them…

    Then it is revealed his wife slept with another man while married to him.

    An emotionally healthy and confident man would now feel sorry for Will. He would think it’s a shame this man got cheated on. An emotionally unhealthy, jealous man lacking on confidence, however? He’s elated. Now Will Smith is a ‘cuck’ and, somehow, less of a man.

    All the money, fame and success in the world. Healthy. Rich. Great family. But still, less of a man because another man had sex with his wife.

    So people make fun of him. Sad, little insecure people. Most of them men who secretly wish they were Will Smith but would never admit to it. Some of them women who wished they could be with Will Smith, but would never admit to it.

    People love to see a successful man or woman get dragged down — it fills people with a primal, cruel sense of glee. It’s resentment and envy, hidden under a thin veneer of ‘humor’.

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