  • Profile picture of Stanley Akenami

    Stanley Akenami posted in the group Africa Archives

    1 year ago

    For most of its history, the Kushite Empire stretched from the beginning of the Hapi (Nile) in Uganda to Aswan. The Kushites are the most influential civilization in history, having invented complex government over large territories, writing, pyramids, stone columns, the arch and the world’s first university. Many of these things we attribute to Kemet, but they originated first in Kush according to Herodotus, the father of Greek history.

    However, Kush’s influence was not only thru Kemet, but also spread throughout most of Africa. There is not a corner of Africa that was not ventured to by the Kushites. From the rainforests BaTwa in Central Africa to the Nok of West Africa, Kush was always intertwined. The Kushites also were the most ancient organized maritime civilization having settled many cities along the coast of East Africa to Mozambique.
    The Kushites also dominated Red Sea trade and the Arabian Sea.

    From Suakin and Adulis in Kush, they ventured to Yemen, Oman, the Indus Valley, and Tamil Nadu. In fact, the syllabic scripts of India are descended from Kushites from Adulis who brought the Ethiopic syllabic script to them. Kushite stone ruins at Napata date to over 36,000 years ago. It is the oldest city in the world alongside Meroe. By 12,000 years ago, Kushite civilization spanned the length of the Nile, during the reign of the legendary Osiru (Ausar, Osiris) whose just deeds made him a model for the godman.

    The city of Jericho which Europeans claim is the oldest city in the world at 11,000 years old, was simply a late Kushite-Kemetic outpost for gathering wood from the Levant cos Kemet lacked ample forestry. Kush would later initiate development of civilization in Sumeria and Elamite.



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